Auction Academy Follows Inaugural Class Graduation with Busy Quarter
June 26, 2014 On the heels of graduating its first Class Group (the “Sons & Daughters” Class) in March during the CAR Conference in Las Vegas, Auction Academy reports a busy second quarter of 2014. Academy President Richard Curtis reports that Auction Academy launched its third Class Group in April, followed in May with a session at Southern Auto Auction for Class Group 3 (“Managers” Group).“In mid-April we launched our third Class Group, holding the opening session in Nashville, TN,” says Curtis. “The first to address the group was industry veteran Tony Moorby, who highlighted his long career in the auction industry, which began in England and later included assignments as President/CEO of ADT Automotive and as an executive with ADESA . The next day the class visited ADESA Nashville, where General Manager Dan Dietsch led an extensive tour of the facility, followed back at the classroom by Kevin Cullum of NMAC provided an overview … Continued