Auction Academy Holds First Session for Senior Managers

January 4, 2013 | 2013 - Press Releases

Auction Academy, a professional education program developed by TPC Management, held its first session for the Senior Managers Class in Nashville, TN on November 29 – December 1. The session’s faculty included a number of well-known auction industry leaders with long and diverse careers in the auction business:  Ricky Beggs, Black Book; Rick Pomeroy, OVE; David Nutter, Direct Auction Services; Kay Hudson and Rick Guyer, CARS Recon Inc.; Randy Dohse and Alan Lang, DSC; Joe Miller, AutoIMS; and TPC Management staff Pierre Pons, Dick Curtis and Tom Stewart.Industry veteran Tony Moorby opened the first session of Auction Academy’s Senior Managers’ Class.Opening the session was Tony Moorby, industry veteran and former CEO of ADT Auctions, who spoke on the history of the industry and his long-time career.  “I was fortunate enough to earn my way into some great management training programs when I first got into the car business and their … Continued

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